Web Design

how to choose a web designer

How to Choose a Web Designer in Kenya

To have the assurance of getting the best website, hiring a professional web designer is very important. This begs the question of how to choose a web designer in Kenya. While there are many web designers in Kenya, only a select few that can be dubbed as the best. Factors to Consider When Choosing a Web Designer in Kenya There are several factors to consider when looking for website design services in Kenya. Here are some pointers that will ensure you acquire the best website designer for a guarantee of top-notch website you are yearning for: 1. Check out Google Reviews Do you want to know how reputable and reliable a website designer is? Taking time to explore the google reviews is a good starting point. Google reviews present an up-to-date perspective of a website designer through customer rating. Subsequently, you can make an informed decision based on customer’s testimonials and their online reputation. As an example, you can check out Online Molen’s Google Reviews here. 2. Check Web Designer’s Portfolio Portfolio means a great deal when it comes to choosing a web designer in Kenya. A good website designer should have a professional portfolio with a display of their website design projects and perhaps a customer testimonial section. Other than quality assurance, in a well-crafted portfolio you can locate websites similar to what you want. Take your time to examine a portfolio to ensure that the selected website designer will cater to your requirements satisfactory. You can view Online Molen’s websites portfolio here. 3. Website Support and Customer Support Website Support and customer support is an important factor to consider before choosing a website designer in Kenya. Some service providers provide substandard customer support, rendering the entire process frustrating and exhausting. As such, it is important to choose a brand that offers full time customer support to avoid inconveniences. Seamless engagements throughout the process ensures that your requirements are fully met. Online Molen offers free 4 months website support and full time customer support. After 4 months the customer can discuss with us about a small monthly maintenance fee. That is one of the reasons we are one of the best web designers in Kenya. 4. Website Design Packages Prices However, you cut it, price is an important factor to consider when choosing website designer. While premium packages are often deemed as quality assurance, this is not necessarily true. There several web designers that deliver quality work at affordable rates including some freelance web designer. If you are wondering how much does a website designer cost in the Kenya,  the amount ranges from Ksh 15,000 to 50,000 depending on the type of website.  You can view our web design cost in Kenya here for various types of websites. At Online Molen, we offer very affordable web design services yet very high quality to the extent of some people telling us we are charging cheap for what we offer. You can contact us on 0728569060 to order any type of website. These factors are crucial in choosing a web designer in Kenya. Besides, it is also worthwhile to engage several web designers before making the final decision. This an ideal opportunity to examine their professionalism such as the web designer’s communication skills and also familiarity with a similar project. 5. SEO skills It is also very important to consider the SEO skills of the web designer. SEO has become is very important aspect of every website so that the website can rank on search engines and bring new customers. Such SEO parameters as image optimization and page speed loading are very important to any website. You can find some web designers do  not optimize images which ends slowing down a website affecting the user experience as well as performance on Google. Engage the web designer and ask them if they offer SEO services and some the the things they observe. At Online Molen we offer very effective SEO services and some of our clients have gained thousands of clients through this strategy. Closing Remarks I believe you are no longer wondering how to choose a web designer in Kenya. If you follow the above steps you will be in a better position to choose the best web designer. Some

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Cost of a website in Kenya

Cost of a Website in Kenya in 2024

In this era, having a website for your business, organization, or brand is one of the best business moves one can make. The cost of a website in Kenya depends on several factors which include the type of website, features, and web hosting. There are various types of websites which include: Basic Website (Portfolio Website), Business Website, eCommerce Website, NonProfit (NGO/CBO) Website, Blogs, Event Websites, Personal Website, Blogs, Informational Website, Membership Website, and Online Forums among others. The cost of a website in Kenya ranges from Ksh. 15,000 for a Basic Website to more than Ksh. 100,000 for a Corporate Website depending on the number of pages, functionality, content, and other features. You can order great website design services at Online Molen by contacting us on 0728 569 060. One of the main factors that affect the cost of a website is the type of web hosting where it can be shared hosting, VPS (virtual private server), dedicated, or cloud hosting. Shared hosting is the most affordable but only suitable for small and medium-sized websites. You can learn more about our web design services in Kenya here including cost for various types of websites. If you are wondering what is hosting, any website must be hosted on some servers which are powerful equipment that store websites and the data contained on the site including all the content, images, and videos. If you are opening a website in Kenya, at Online Molen we usually recommend Bluehost for the best and most affordable hosting services and also HostPinnacle. Below we are going to discuss different types of websites and the respective website design cost in Kenya. The costs are based on what we usually charge here at an Online Molen where we offer unbeatable, very competitive, and best web design prices in Kenya.  Various Types of Websites and their Cost in Kenya Cost of a Website in Kenya Business Website Cost in Kenya A business website is a site used to showcase a service or product. It has sections and pages that display and describe what one is selling or services being offered. Its features allow the owner to make money directly on the website. An example of a business website designed by Online Molen in Kenya is our very own website (https://onlinemolen.com). The cost of a business website in Kenya ranges from Ksh. 15,000 to Ksh. 35000 depending on the number of pages and other features. You can contact an Online Molen representative on 0728 569060 (call/text/WhatsApp) or email info@onlinemolen.com for a free consultation on web design cost. If you have been wondering how much does it cost to build a website for a small business in Kenya, I believe now you have an idea. eCommerce Website cost in Kenya An eCommerce website is basically an online store that is designed to allow someone or a business to sell products. It usually consists of a product catalogue (to display products), a shopping cart, and checkout features. An eCommerce website allows the user to set and change prices and also add or remove products in the future depending on their inventory. This website can be for a small business (selling less than 30 products) or a large eComm store selling thousands of products. An example of an eCommerce website that was designed and built by us is https://gardget.com/ . This is a leading phone accessories website. We also design website with Kenya shillings as the currency not just foreign currency. You can check out our shop page as a sample.   The eCommerce website price in Kenya usually depends on the number of products (scale) and typically ranges from Ksh. 30,000 (for small shops with fewer products) to more than Ksh. 100,000 for very large stores.  You can order your eCommerce website here. Do you want to have an eCommerce website? Talk to our web design representative on 0728569060 (call/text/what or email info@onlinemolen.com for a free consultation. Here at Online Molen, we have some of the best eCommerce website developers in Kenya. We have built some top e commerce websites in Kenya which we have outlined in our portfolio. Nonprofit Website cost in Kenya A nonprofit website is a site that is similar to a business website but usually describes a nonprofit organization (NGO) or a community-based organization (CBO) and all its initiatives. This type of website usually includes showcases the activities of the organization, a gallery of past events, and usually has a donate button. It is meant to promote a certain cause. Other types of nonprofit websites include church websites, learning institutions, and petition websites. The cost of a non-profit website in Kenya ranges from Ksh. 18,000 to Ksh. 50,000 depending on the scale of the organization. That is the website cost in Kenya for a non-profit website. An example of a nonprofit website we have built is https://wakilishacbo.org. We can design something similar (not the same) or even better for you. Just talk to us. If you have started and/ or running a cause, a nonprofit website is highly recommended to let more people across the world know about your initiative and attract supporters for a bigger impact. Talk to our web design representative on 0728569060 (call/text/WhatsApp) or email info@onlinemolen.com for a free consultation on nonprofit websites. You can order your NGO website here at Online Molen at the best cost in Kenya, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda and other African countries. Blog cost in Kenya Blogs are the other common types of websites that allow one to create and display long-form content around a certain niche or topic to inform people or just entertain. They are mainly made up of articles (posts) and images and examples include travel, technology, and lifestyle blogs. In recent years, blogs have captured a big portion of the internet and people are making a good sum of money on their blogs. As Online Molen we own a couple of blogs plus niche websites and also help people build successful niche websites that make

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