SEO Services

Are you a Kenyan business struggling to be seen online? If you want your business to get more customers from  Google and other search engines, SEO services is what you need! Search Engine Optimization helps your business website rank on Google for products or services customers are searching for leading to consistent sales daily. At Online Molen we offer some of the best SEO services in Kenya.

Our Comprehensive SEO services in Kenya

We offer very comprehensive SEO services designed to optimize your website for local audiences and drive organic traffic and sales.

Keyword Research for SEO Services in Kenya

In-depth Keyword Research

We search for high-volume, low-competition keywords  people are searching for on Google to ensure your website ranks for the terms that drives sales.

OnPage SEO for SEO services in Kenya

OnPage SEO

We create high quality SEO content rich in keywords, compelling title tags, meta descriptions, and image alt tags while ensuring a good user experience.

Offpage SEO for SEO services in Kenya

OffPage SEO

We employ various proven white-hat offpage SEO techniques which include quality backlinks from reputable websites, social signals, reviews, profile links, boosting your website’s authority and credibility

Local SEO services in Kenya

Local SEO

We will also optimize your Google My Business (Google Maps) listing and implement local SEO strategies to ensure your business shows up in relevant local searches.

Technical SEO services in Nairobi

Technical SEO

We create high quality SEO content rich in keywords, compelling title tags, meta descriptions, and image alt tags while ensuring a good user experience.

SEO Analytics


We provide ongoing performance reports. Stay informed with regular reports tracking your website’s ranking progress, organic traffic growth, and conversions.

Why Choose Online Molen for SEO Services in Kenya?

  1. Local Expertise: We understand the Kenyan market and csutomize our strategies to meet the unique needs of local businesses. We have a general idea of what people are searching for on Google for various sectors because we are familiar with the local search terms. We use SEO tools to confirm our speculations. Online Molen is a leading digital marketing agency in Kenya.
  2. Proven Track Record: Our team of SEO specialists has a history of delivering successful results for clients across various business sectors and industries in Kenya. We have had clients get as many 20000 clients from Google after just 3 months of our SEO services. However, results vary case by case as SEO is very dynamic. If you are looking for the best SEO company in Nairobi, Online Molen is your go to agency.
  3. Customized Strategies: We create personalized SEO plans based on your business goals, industry, and target audience.
  4. Transparent Reporting: Stay informed with detailed monthly reports that track your progress and ROI. We use popular tracking software like Google Analytics and Google Search Console.

Sectors/Industries We Serve

Business Sectors in Kenya we offer SEO services to

At Online Molen, we offer SEO services to a wide range of business sectors and industries in Kenya, including but not limited to:

  • E-commerce – All types of online shops
  • Real estate – Land, Plots, Houses, Building and Construction
  • Healthcare – Medical Equipment suppliers, Hospitals, Clinics, Doctors and other health practitioners e.t.c
  • Education – Colleges, Campuses, and Universities
  • Tourism and hospitality – Tours and Travel, Hotels, Restaurants
  • Financial services – Banks, Microfinance,  Lenders,  etc

Why SEO is Important for Your Business in Kenya

In today’s digital age, having a website alone is not enough. To truly stand out in a crowded online marketplace, your website needs to be optimized for search engines like Google.  this will ensure that people who are searching for your products or services on Google can find your website and order from you. Here is why SEO is important for your business in Kenya:

  1. Increased Visibility: SEO helps your website appear in search results when potential customers search for products or services related to your business. Higher visibility means more traffic and more opportunities to convert visitors into customers.

  2. Targeted Traffic: SEO drives targeted traffic to your website which means it helps people who are searching for your products or services to find you on Google . By optimizing for relevant keywords, you attract visitors who are actively searching for what you offer, increasing the chances of sales or conversions. At Online Molen, we offer some of the best SEO services in Kenya which drive sales.

  3. Cost-Effective Marketing: Compared to traditional advertising methods, SEO is highly cost-effective both in the short run and long run. It focuses on organic search results, which means you don’t have to pay for ads. The return on investment for SEO is significant as it attracts high-intent traffic.

  4. Enhanced User Experience: Good SEO practices improve the user experience on your website. This includes faster website loading times, mobile optimization, and easy navigation. All these contribute to higher user satisfaction and retention rates. As a leading SEO company in Kenya, we provide some of the best user experience services.

  5. Building Credibility and Trust: Websites that rank high in search results are often perceived as more credible and trustworthy. Effective SEO builds your brand’s authority (often referred to as domain authority on the internet) and reputation over time.

Case Studies: Success Stories with Online Molen

Client A: E-commerce Website

Challenge: Client A, an online retailer in Kenya, struggled with low traffic and poor sales despite having a well-designed website.

 Solution: Online Molen implemented a comprehensive SEO strategy, including keyword research, content creation, content marketing, and link building that run for 4 months (as per client’s budget). 

Results: Within 3 months, Client A saw a 150% increase in organic traffic and a 75% increase in sales.

Opportunity: More SEO work by Online Molen would have resulted to more traffic.

Website Traffic First Year after Start of SEO of Seo Services

Google search console data data Feb to Dec

Website Traffic Consistent Years Later

Med SEO after 1 year

SEO Prices in Kenya

The SEO prices in Kenya vary depending on the size of the project. SEO services in Kenya are usually charged on monthly packages or per project basis.

The average SEO prices in Kenya range from Ksh. 15,000 per month to Ksh. 100,000 per month or more depending on the scale of the project or rather the size of the website and the amount of work required. These are the average rates charged by SEO companies in Kenya.

Here at Online Molen, we have very good offer SEO prices where we charge from Ksh. 15,000 per month to Ksh. 60,000 which have been discounted at 30% off. Check our banner below for our SEO pricing packages at Online Molen. These are the average seo charges in Kenya but the final cost varies on project by project basis.

SEO services in Kenya
To Order Our High Quality SEO services from Online Molen

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about SEO services

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the practice of optimizing your website to rank higher in search engine results. It involves various techniques, including keyword research, on-page optimization, content creation, and link building, to improve your site’s visibility and attract more organic traffic which means more clients.

SEO is a long-term investment. While some improvements can be seen within a few weeks, it typically takes 3-6 months to see significant results. The timeline can vary based on the competitiveness of your industry and the current state of your website.

Absolutely. SEO is one of the most cost-effective marketing strategies. It brings targeted traffic to your website, increases your online visibility, and provides long-term benefits. The return on investment for SEO is often higher than other marketing methods.

While we can’t guarantee specific rankings due to the constantly changing nature of search algorithms, our proven strategies are designed to improve your rankings and increase your online visibility significantly.

We measure the success of our SEO campaigns through various metrics, including organic traffic, keyword rankings, conversion rates, and ROI. We provide detailed monthly reports to keep you informed of your progress.

Contact Online Molen

Ready to improve the online presence of your business or organization and get more sales? Contact us today to learn more about our SEO services in Kenya. Our team of experts is here to help you succeed in the digital world.

Phone: +254728569060


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